God has adapted Scripture to the different levels of the reader

It is 2 o’clock PM Saturday afternoon here in south western Michigan. A cold sunny cloudy windy day. I am always thankful for sunshine especially when the shadow of war hangs over Eastern Europe. Also Israel is shooting off rockets towards Iran (a terrorist state) and Donald Trump is on trial this week for paying off a porn star hush money while he was running for President and then hiding this payoff/fixed the books. Trump is also being charge for numberless crimes throughout the country. Donald Trump is totally lawless, he has not respect for any code of ethics. Trump see’s himself as a god-he is demonic. What is really scary is that Trump is worshipped by millions of Right Wing Christian Nationalists-Republicans-children of the Evil One. I see the worship of Donald Trump by professing Christians as one of the sign’s of the Great Apostasy prophesied in the New Testament/Bible.

I got up this morning around 7 o’clock AM. When I came upstairs I found Carol dressed and making herself breakfast. Carol just got home from a Woman’s Tea held at her church today. Carol left this morning after we had devotions for her church to help set up for this Woman’s Tea. I have spent the morning and afternoon writing in my paper diary and reading my books. This morning I read from a book titled, ‘An Introduction To The Medieval Bible’ by Frans van Liere.

This afternoon in the mail I received a book I had ordered titled, ‘Marguerite Young: The Collected Poems’ Edited by Phil Bevis, Joshua Rothes, and Jacob Siefring. I have been reading this afternoon from a book titled, ‘How Nietzsche Came in From the Cold: Tale of a Redemption’ by Philipp Felsch Translated by Daniel Bowles.

This afternoon Carol and I go down our street to have dinner with our oldest son and his family. I will close. Last night I mainly read, ‘Holy Orders’ crime fiction by Benjamin Black.

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