the human self as an island of autonomous consciousness and will

It is 12:06 PM Sunday afternoon here where the wind blows and the rain beats against the door of our shack. It is a blessing to have a warm cell and plenty of wood for a stove.

I got up this morning around 7:10 AM. When I got home I found my wife in her usual place. I got myself a bottle of cold water and sat in my living room chair with the goal of waking up to existence in a wet cold death flow. After I woke up I took out the garbage and cooked Carol a morning meal. I ate for breakfast yogurt with a cup of coffee.

Carol left for Covenant PCA around 8:30 AM. While she was gone I wrote in my paper diary and filled up the fourth and final bookcase with books.

Carol got home from Covenant PCA around 11:15 AM. We ate lunch and I wrote some more stuff into my personal private diary. The last couple of days I have attempted only to read from a book titled, ‘Incarnational Humanism: A Philosophy Of Culture For The Church In The World’ by Jens Zimmermann.

There is not much else to report this afternoon. These days I am seeking to give my brain a rest. My brain needs to air out.

Last night we had a nice meal with our oldest son and his family who live down the street from us. It is a blessing to have family so near during this world wide COVID-19 deadly plague. When one is dying it is a blessing to have loved ones near by.

I will close to drift in this cold rainy dreary death flow. Tomorrow is a Monday. We are going into the Holy Week. I think Carol told me today is Psalm Sunday.

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